How far will Solihull Moors fans travel to Rochdale?

It is 115.5 miles from Solihull Moors to Rochdale, so if you are travelling by road, the journey can take up to 1 hour and 55 minutes. And for those who will travel by train, the journey can take up to 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Rochdale vs Solihull Moors: Where to find the tickets

The tickets for this game to be played at the Crown Arena are available online on the Rochdale booking site as well as SeatPick. Match tickets at the Crown Arena vary depending on the age of attendees, so book your place on time to get the best seats. Also, the official match program for this game goes for £3. Beware of fake ticket sellers and also note that the away end have only limited spaces for Solihull Moors fans.